Running — Windrush Triathlon Club



Our Run Captains Flo and James represent members on all things run related. To get in touch, speak to them at training or email them.


Windrush triathletes trail running
Run captain - James Naldrett

Run Captain / James Naldrett

I did my first triathlon at the backend of 2020 between COVID lockdowns without any kind of background in swim, bike or run (at least not since being at school…) – I’ve been hooked ever since. From joining the club in 2021, I’ve seen huge improvements in performance across the disciplines, particularly running!

Windrush has been a huge part of that with so much variety, from social runs; to coached interval sessions around track and representing the club at competitive leagues (not to mention all the swim and bike events, which are great too). I can get a bored of the same training over time, so I love the variety of having 3 disciplines to work towards and then bringing it all together on race day.

There’s a great mix of people in the club – I never expected such an individual sport to be sociable. There’s always someone to train with if you fancy it, or just to chat with about triathlon related stuff (because there’s only so much we can bore family and friends on the topic..).

Run captain - Flo Mowlem

Run Captain / Flo Mowlem

I joined Windrush in 2021 and am looking forward to doing my first Triathlon in 2022! What I love about Windrush is that there’s something for everyone – I enjoy a bit of all three of the disciplines, and really the most important part is the social element. I’ve never been sure how much I enjoy running… I only started running properly last year as it was a good way to get out of the house when most stuff was shut.

I’m still not sure how much I enjoy it – sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t, but here I am as co-captain for running!! The running events we are arranging will have something for everyone (hopefully!!) – different paces, terrains, distances, and competitiveness. Outside of running, swimming, and cycling, I also play Netball and do the odd HIIT workout.

We’ve got a fun calendar lined up for year for running activities – with something for all, from social to competitive.

There are weekly social runs, with a shorter (5-7km) and longer option (10-12km). There will be a slightly different route each week and we can’t wait for the lighter evenings so we can be in the parks! These are social, chatty runs for all abilities, done at a pace conformable for all (the speedy amongst us can go ahead and loop back if they want a faster run) – Audrey covers the speed training on a Thursday at the weekly track sessions! Once a month we’ll have post-run drinks with the Tuesday night swimmers.

We also have a set Parkrun once a month that we can go to as a group (obviously no stopping you from going to them weekly) followed by coffee and cake afterwards (the most important bit). The first three we’ve arranged go towards the Julia Garcia Memorial cup, with the winner announced at the New Year Party. We were off to a great start off at the first in the series at Brockwell Park… with a few brave members then going for a (very) cold dip in the lido! 

For those who like a trail run, we’ll have these monthly, arranged at a location outside London for a change of view. For those who want a go at doing this competitively, there’ll be a group going to the Maverick Runs in Hampshire and Surrey.

The Cross Country season has been off to a great start, with great representation from both the male and female groups. There is one more left of the series, followed by the Nationals to round it off. As the summer starts, these will be replaced with a summer league (more details coming soon). Again these runs are for all…. You can be as competitive as you like, or be in it mainly for the cake/beers that follow!

Once a quarter we’ll have a pub run, a 10km route split into four by a drink at a different pub. We had a great time on the Christmas run, and Santa even joined us! 

As if this wasn’t enough, there’ll be a Windrush outing to the Bachus Wine Run, held in the vineyards of Dorking. You can sign up to a 2km, 10km, or half-marathon version, with pit stops for wine along the way. We’ll be looking to arrange transport for the group so no one has to worry about getting home after a few too many wines! (Of course, for those who want to avoid the hangover but join the fun, there is a non-alcoholic option.)